Why offer your institution an IDÉLLO subscription?

For students, Access content shared by the teacher. Benefit from a wide choice of high-quality content. Benefit from simple, purpose-built navigation. Receive full support for your work and deepen your knowledge. For school staff, Create classes to invite your students to join IDÉLLO. Benefit from a wide choice of high-quality content. Access ready-to-use tools. Benefit from customizable training courses.

Your data and your students’ data are protected.

We attach great importance to the security and confidentiality of your data, including that of your students. We have implemented strict security measures to guarantee the protection of your information, allowing you to concentrate on your teaching. 

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Low rates for schools and institutions. Prices depend on the number of licenses purchased. Additional taxes and fees may apply. Fewer than 5 licenses, $46 / year. 5 licenses, $230 / year, Then $24 per additional license. 10 licenses, $350 / year, Then $32 per additional license. 25 licenses, $840 / year, Then $26 per additional license. 50 licenses, $1 500 / year, Then $18 per additional license. +100, on request.

Foire aux questions

Do you offer monthly and annual billing options?

As an administrator, you have an institutional subscription for your school or institution. Note that monthly payment is not available for this type of subscription.

What payment methods can I use to pay?

- For an individual subscription, you can pay by credit card. You can choose to pay monthly or annually.

- For an institutional subscription, you can choose to pay with a credit card, EFT, or cheque. This subscription is payable annually.

Can I change my payment method?

To change your payment method, contact our customer service department at support.idello@tfo.org or call the toll-free number: 1-844-4-IDÉLLO (1-844-443-3556). 

I want to buy more than 100 licenses. How should I proceed?

To purchase more than 100 licenses, contact our customer service department at support.idello@tfo.org or call the toll-free number: 1-844-4-IDÉLLO (1-844-443-3556).

Unlock the full potential of your teachers and students!

IDÉLLO provides the resources and support your school needs to succeed.