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Les maîtres du rail

*Warning note:* the word 'indien' is used in this video. Because of the recognized educational value of this resource, the TFO Digital Learning educational team has decided to continue to present it to IDELLO users.
Crossing landscapes at more than 300 km/h is obvious in the 21st century. However, very high speed is a feat and the result of two centuries of an incredible technological epic that has changed the history of mankind. Matthieu Barreau is an engineer and teacher in mechanical engineering at the IUT of Cachan. He will follow in the footsteps of pioneers and inventors capable of overcoming formidable technical challenges in order to design ever more powerful locomotives; to trace bold paths to conquer the great spaces, to unify continents, and to shatter all the rules of the railway game. From Great Britain, the cradle of the railroad in the 19th century, to the United States to relive the history of the first transcontinental railroad, through the backstage of the longest tunnel in the world in Switzerland, a scientific investigation on the tracks of obstinate visionaries, driven by the ambition to become the masters of the railroad.