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Le mélange des sens

The brain contains just over 100 billion neurons, each of which can form up to 10,000 connections. It takes such a network to process the flow of information sent by the body's sensory receptors. Because at every moment of existence, all your senses are solicited. Life is multisensory. Sight, touch, hearing, taste, and smell send sensory messages at a speed of 430km/h to the brain. This continuous flow of information is sorted, analyzed by the brain which directs the senses, organizes them and improves them without the help of any technological intervention. Its plasticity, which we are just beginning to understand, allows it to adapt constantly. If you lose a sense for example, the brain reorganizes itself. It increases the others. Like this blind man, able to paint pictures of which he perceives the colors with his fingers... But the brain can also decide to beat time differently, to orchestrate the senses in an original way. This is what happens to synesthetes, people who always associate two or more senses, or even have a real power: the ability to feel the pain of others...