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Après la tempête - Le monstre de la rivière chocolat - La fête des glaces

*After the storm*: Oscargot wants to go to a show at the library. The morning of the show, everything is white: a storm blew all night. Féeli Tout wants to help the inhabitants to clear the snow, before accompanying Oscargot. Oscargot finds it unfair that Féeli Tout wants to take care of the inhabitants of the swamp before taking care of himself. This story explores mutual aid, perseverance and friendship. *The Chocolate River Monster*: Féeli Tout enters a baking contest by cooking a recipe from her grandmother's book. Oscargot, on the other hand, has heard a legend about a monster haunting the Chocolate River. He doesn't want to admit it, but he is a little scared. This story explores tales, legends and oral tradition. *The ice party*: Féeli Tout organizes a party to celebrate winter. Oscargot panics: he doesn't know how to skate and thinks that skating is the main activity of the party. Together with Lynace, he conspires to make the people of the swamp believe that winter is already over. This story explores honesty and the importance of facing one's fears.