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It is the evening, after supper. Michel Hotte and Colette Champagne are making music together. Michel Hotte, in his little wood workshop, is applying a varnish on a cane he just finished. Today, Denis Raymond is cutting firewood, his reserve for the next few months during which the family and the village will be under the snow braving the seasonal rigors. Making his wood is a custom that for Raymond is also a ritual. It is the week before Easter and it is sugar time. At this time of year, the maple grove comes back to life even before all traces of winter have disappeared. Denis Raymond goes around his facilities to make sure that the sap is flowing and that the buckets that collect it are working properly. We are at the Bonfield Family Center with Denise Raymond and some people from the village who have gathered to sort laundry that will be distributed to people in need. In St. Bernadette's Church in Bonfield, Albert Benoit, as he sometimes does, came in the afternoon to rest from the stresses of everyday life.